Planmeca Emerald™ intraoral scanner can now be used to produce Panthera Sleep Mandibular Advancement Devices

Planmeca is pleased to announce that it is now possible to use the new Planmeca Emerald™ intraoral scanner to produce Panthera Sleep’s Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD).

Planmeca Emerald™ intraoral scanner can now be used to produce Panthera Sleep Mandibular Advancement Devices

Press release maalis 06, 2018

Planmeca is pleased to announce that it is now possible to use the new Planmeca Emerald intraoral scanner to produce Panthera Sleep’s Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD).

Panthera Sleep designs, develops, manufactures and markets high-end Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) for the treatment of snoring and/or obstructive sleep apnea.

The Planmeca Emerald™ intraoral scanner can now be smoothly integrated into sleep practices’ workflows. After scanning the upper and lower arches, first alone and then in occlusion, dentists can instantly export the scans to Panthera Sleep.

“We are very excited that we can now offer Planmeca Emerald users the possibility to use their scans for the manufacturing of mandibular advancement devices. By cooperating with Panthera Dental, we are able to provide our customers with an even more comprehensive range of solutions than before”, says Ville Salonen, Product Manager at Planmeca’s Digital Imaging and Applications Division.

“We believe that intraoral scanners simplify the workflow, saving handling and shipping time of the models. Simply attach the open standard STL files to the order, and our engineers will use the imported data to build the custom-made appliance. No compromise will be made on quality or precision, which represents huge benefits for doctors and their patients.” Panthera Dental’s president, Gabriel Robichaud, explains: “Our team is happy to bring this new improvement which will make our Sleep Solutions more effective and accessible to all.”

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